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Videojet and blue-infinity Traceability Workshop supports TDP II regulation readiness
GENEVA, Switzerland – April 24, 2015 – The new 2014 EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD II) states that tobacco product manufacturers must implement a solution before 2019 to cover serialisation, tracking, tracing and authentication of goods on their transnational supply chain. blue-infinity and Videojet co-hosted an exclusive workshop on their track and trace solution to help manufacturers understand what is required to meet these challenging requirements.
Benjamin Phelip, AIT Central Business Development Manager at blue-infinity, explained that the TPD II (Article 15) impacts all stakeholders across the supply chain, necessitating business process redesign and improved data management. “Tobacco product manufacturers are solely responsible for tracking and tracing their goods, both in their internal environment and across the entire supply chain – from factory to the first retail outlet.”
blue infinity offer a track and trace solution, called AIT Central, which consists of three core technologies; Codentify ®, CodiTrack and CodiCheck as well as packaged services to deploy, operate and manage these systems. blue-infinity is the only experienced integrator worldwide of this Codentify®-based solution and since 2004 have rolled out their solution in 50 countries, on 700 production lines, across 1,600 tracking locations.
Dany Lauener, Track and Trace Solutions Manager at blue-infinity, states: “In projects large and small, most manufacturers focus on the production line, but from our experience, 80% of the rollout effort is related to the rest of the supply chain. To ease implementation, the AIT Central suite is packaged in a modular way, to help secure timelines and costs.”
To overcome significant supply chain impact, retro-planning integration activities are strongly advised. Some tobacco manufacturers started track and trace activities several years ago, and are still rolling out the solution across their entire supply chain. blue-infinity and Videojet encourages the securing of timelines and scope sooner rather than later, to allow manufacturers to focus on their core business with minimum downtime.
Having recently launched a new interface designed to improve integration between their digital printing technology and the Codentify Code Generator, Videojet were the ideal partner to address the tobacco industry alongside blue infinity. Videojet specialise in the laser, inkjet and labelling system hardware that prints the relevant track and trace data onto tobacco packs, bundles, cartons and cases.
Mario Bock, Videojet Director Global Tobacco & Security Business, said: “The ability to consistently perform in high-speed environments while connecting multiple devices to enable easy aggregation of individual products to pallets allows all of our customers to use a solution that is compliance-ready and available.”
Tracking and tracing down to pack level from manufacturing site, to the first retail outlet is a vast challenge; having the right partner to deliver the solution is paramount to success. Videojet, together with blue-infinity’s expertise, solutions and packaged services can really make it happen.
To learn more about the Codentify® solutions available to address your challenges please contact Benjamin Phelip, AIT Central Business Development Manager on +41 58 307 6813, or Mario Bock, Videojet Director Global Tobacco & Security Business on +41 79 316 7666
About blue-infinity:
blue-infinity is a Swiss company headquartered in Geneva employing over 400 experts across offices in Lausanne, Prague, Lisbon and Hong Kong. Founded in 1995, blue-infinity is trusted by some of the most prestigious companies and brand names in the world. Since 2003 blue-infinity has been involved in developing Track and Trace solutions based on Codentify® alongside major change agents. blue-infinity has integrated Codentify® solutions for all major players in the tobacco industry,, including PMI, JTI andITG, i Since the release of the 2014 Tobacco Product Directive, blue-infinity has been appointed official reseller of this technology. To find out more please visit or please call +800 307 70 000
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